Race Against Tyne – Day 3i

As before… I am too shattered to create much narrative here, so will let the pictures tell the tale. What a day though, and what a route. It’s really hard to believe we are all here, in Newcastle. And we cycled here. Just incredible. So… bullets from the day.

  1. Tom got hit by a car (he’s ok, bike isn’t though)
  2. Lamby wore a cycling top – he’s not ok.
  3. A lot of folks knee’s hurt
  4. Jeff is now further North than he has ever been.
  5. It actually was all down hill… or rather, our moods went downhill all day as the hills ground us down. Beautiful though up here in County Durham.
  6. Toby, 16, was a legend. He’ll be some cyclist one day.
  7. We’ve nearly hit our target (you know what to do)
  8. Tomorrow we run.

Know this is rubbish, but don’t have the energy. Maybe Tuesday I’ll do a proper roundup. One thing though – what these people have done has been incredible. I’m so chuffed, and so proud. Borderline happy. Don’t repeat it.


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